1.Stats pack(9i)
2.AWR(Automatic Workload Repository)(introduced in 10g)
3.ASH(Active Session History)
4.ADDM(Automatic Diagnostic Database Master)
By default, for every one hour oracle is going to generate "snapshots".
Except ASH, for all the other reports we need snapshots.
Minimum we need 2 snapshots to generate a report.
root@venu1>su - oracle
oracle@venu1>export ORACLE_SID=venu1
oracle@venu1>sqlplus / as sysdba
SYS>conn scott/tiger
scott>select * from tab;
scott>desc user_indexes;
scott>select table_name,index_name,index_type from user_indexes;
scott>desc user_ind_columns;
scott>select index_name,table_name,column_name from user_ind_columns;
scott>col column_name for a10
scott>select a.table_name,a.index_name,a.index_type,b.column_name from user_indexes a,user_ind_columns b where a.table_name=b.table_name;
scott>save ind.sql