SQL>create user venu identifies by venu;
SQL>select * from all_users;
SQL>select username,default_tablespace,temporary_tablespace,profile from dba_users where username='VENu';
SQL>conn venu/venu
SQL>show user;
SQL>conn / as sysdba
SQL>show user
SQL>grant create session to venu;
SQL>conn venu/venu
venu>create table emp(eid number(3));
ORA-01031 : insufficient privileges
venu>conn / as sysdba
SQL>grant create table to venu;
SQL>conn venu/venu
venu>create table emp(eid number(3));
venu>insert into emp(111);
ORA-01950 : no privileges on tablespace 'USERS'
venu>conn / as sysdba
SQL>alter user venu quota 10m on users;
SQL>conn venu/venu
venu>insert into emp(111);
venu>select * from emp;
venu>select * from session_privs;
Lists the privileges of the current user
venu>conn / as sysdba
SQL>desc dba_sys_privs;
SQL>select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee='VENU';
By using this view, we can see the privileges of any user.
SQL>desc dba_ts_quotas;
SQL>select username,tablespace_name,max_bytes from dba_ts_quotas where username='VENU';
To see the quota of the given users.
SQL>grant connect,resource to venu1 identified by venu1;
Another way of user creating an user by granting privileges at the time of user creation.
SQL>conn venu1/venu1
venu1>select * from session_privs;
To see the privileges of a particular user in which we exist.
venu1>conn / as sysdba
SQL>revoke create session from venu;
SQL>revoke create session from venu1;
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